Hello and Welcome!

I’d like to start off by welcoming everyone who stops by my blog. If I’m being honest, it’s not going to be an easy one to write, and it may be even harder for some to read. My story is not unique, but I really do wish that it was.

First off though, some housekeeping.

What does “NPE” mean anyway?

Have you ever heard the term ” NPE”? My guess is you probably haven’t. Simply put, NPE is shorthand for “NonParental Event“. This is used in genealogy when an individual finds out that his or her parent is someone other than expected. It’s basically a dry way of saying that someone had their DNA tested, and they found out the person they thought was their mother or father isn’t their genetic parent.

Some examples of this situation are pregnancy due to an affair, a secret adoption, undisclosed fertility treatments, unscrupulous fertility treatment professionals, familial sexual abuse, etc. While all are similar at their core, they each have their own unique aspects.

How do these discoveries happen?

It depends on the situation. More and more people are choosing to have their DNA tested. and sometimes, they find something unexpected or even upsetting.

I have no problem with DNA testing sites, and can see a lot of upsides. In my opinion, people simply don’t prepare themselves for the possible outcomes. It’s wonderful to find new relatives, useful to learn about your health, but there could be some surprises that aren’t so straightforward.

Other times, the results are from a DNA test done for medical reasons or to establish paternity.

What’s the point of this website?

I’m currently going through my own NPE experience, and am learning first hand just how unnerving it can be. There’s some really amazing people who have gone above and beyond in supporting me through all of this, and I’d like to pass that along.

Feel free to comment, ask me a question or send me a message. I’m not a computer person, so this blog will be really bare bones at first. With time, I hope it will grow and improve.

If you would like to contribute to the blog by sharing your own story, please let me know. I would be happy to do so.

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